Homeschooling Quotation.
Why home educate? Here is some quotes from great guy to inspire or remind you.
- A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. - Henry Brook Adams.
- Education is a companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate, no despotism can enslave. At home, a friend, abroad, an introduction, in solitude a solace and in society an ornament. It chastens vice, it guides virtue. - Joseph Addison.
- You're aware the boy who boy failed my grade school math class, I take it? And not that many years later he's teaching college. Now I ask you: Is that the sorriest indictment of the American educational system you ever heard? - Karl Arbeiter: Former teacher of Albert Einstein.
- All who have meditate on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of Empires depend on the education of the youth. - Aristotle.
- ...what thwart us and demands of us the greatest effort is also what can teach us most. - Matthew Arnold.
- I said how, and why, young children, were sooner allured by love, than driven by beating, to attain good learning. - Roger Ascham.
- Learning is finding out what you already know, Doing is demonstrating that you know it, Teaching is reminding that they know it as well as you do. We are all learners, doers, and teachers. - Richard David Basch.
- Poetry is so vital to us until school spoils it. - Russel Baker.
- You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as his lives. - Clay P. Bedford.
- Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always being taught. - Winston Churchill.
- Fortunately for us, Japan is opening its first business school in the near future. This is likely to produce a measurable drop in Japanese productivity. - James Charlton.
- Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. - Albert Eintsein.
- Education should be exercise; it has become massage. - Martin H. Fischer.
- All Fords are exactly alike, but not two men just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything just like it before, never will be again. - Henry Ford.
- Everything you've learned in school as "obvious" becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe. - Buckminster Fuller.
- You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. - Galileo Galilei.
- Civilization is the encouragement of differences. Civilization thus becomes a synonym of democracy. Force, violence, pressure, or compulsion with a view to conformity, is both uncivilized and undemocratic. - Mahatma Gandhi.
- ...since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. - John Holt.
- Common sense is in spite, not as the result as education. - Victor Hugo.
- Liberty without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain. - John F. Kennedy.
- And so we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. - Maria Montessori.
- The schoolteacher is certainly underpaid as a childminder, but ludicrously overpaid as an educator. - John Osborne.
- Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. - Bertrand Russel.
- To educate a man in mind, and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society. - Theodore Roosevelt.
- The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. - Plato.
- Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. - Buddha.